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Quentin Delforge

Designer and delivery manager

Meet Quentin, the epitome of Belgian efficiency and savoir-faire, a true polymath who effortlessly navigates tasks like a well-oiled machine. Quentin embodies responsibility like Belgium embodies fine chocolate, seamlessly blending dedication with a hint of sweetness. And though he may have a penchant for moules frites, he is just as committed to keeping our gears running smoothly. He offers a delightful blend of French charm and Belgian brilliance as you embark on a journey of digital excellence. His clients often describe him as a "swiss knife" due to his diverse range of skills and expertise, enabling him to tackle any challenge in the delivery of complex products. From solution design to team management, Quentin effortlessly adapts to new situations, finding innovative solutions to intricate problems. With his entrepreneurial spirit, extensive experience, and a keen grasp of both business and technology, Quentin becomes an invaluable asset for thriving startups and fast-growing organizations seeking scalable solutions.

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